I'm a software engineer in the Maps Special Projects Group at . My work is mainly on spatial data processing frameworks
and efficient geometrical algorithms around 3d data.
Previously, I studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California, Berkeley.
I focused on Machine Learning, Data Processing, Robotics and Simulations and did research in Biomimetic Millisystems Lab under Prof. Ronald S. Fearing and Dr. Carlos S. Casarez.
C. Koc, C. Koc, B. Su, C. S. Casarez and R. S. Fearing, "Body Lift and Drag for a Legged Millirobot in Compliant Beam Environment," ICRA 2019
We modeled the drag and lift forces around a millirobot with a tactile shell attached and drew conclusions on cost of transport required to efficiently go through a cluttered environment.
Can Koc*, Cem Koc*, Brian Su*, Ronald S. Fearing
BARS 2016
We used a milli robot with a tactile sensing shell attached to classify different resistance zones.